Calculation Tag Syntax (Also the same Syntax used in graphics animations).

The syntax of any Tag that belongs to a Calculation data source should follow the following syntax format:

  • Getting Tag value:

- Example: LINE1.FT101 or Val(LINE1.FT101)

  • Getting Tag status:

- Example: Status(LINE1.FT101)

  • Check if Tag status is Normal:

- Example: IsNormal(LINE1.FT101)

  • Check if Tag status is High High:

- Example: IsHH(LINE1.FT101)

  • Check if Tag status is High:

- Example: IsHi(LINE1.FT101)

  • Check if Tag status is Low:

- Example: IsLo(LINE1.FT101)

  • Check if Tag status is Low Low:

- Example: IsLL(LINE1.FT101)

  • Check if Tag status is Initialized:

- Example: IsInitialized(LINE1.FT101)

  • Check if Tag status is Unackknowleged:

- Example: IsUnAcked(LINE1.FT101)

  • Getting Tag time stamp of last update:

- Example: TSTMAP(LINE1.FT101)

  • Using a Tag value inside an expression: Use VAL(TagName) function.

Example: VAL(LINE1.FT101) > 2

  • Dynamic parameters should be surrounded with curly parentheses.

Example: {TAG}

Example: VAL({TAG}) > 2

Example: VAL((GROUP}.TOTAL) > 2

  • String comparison needs to be surrounded with single quotations.


  • 'and', 'or' and 'not'

Example: VAL(SIM.Ramp1) > 5 and VAL(SIM.Random1) > 4

Example: VAL(SIM.Ramp1) > 5 or VAL(SIM.Random1) > 4

Example: not (VAL(SIM.Ramp1))

Example: VAL(SIM.Ramp1) > 5 and not (VAL(SIM.Random1) > 4)

  • if statement

Syntax: if(condition, 'value is true', 'value is false')

Example: if(VAL(GROUP.TAG1) > 0, VAL(GROUP.TAG1), 0)

This result of this formula will equal to the value of "GROUP.TAG1" unless the value is below Zero. In this case, it'll equal Zero.

  • 'Max' and 'Min': Rounds a value to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places.

Example: Max(VAL(SIM.Ramp1),VAL(SIM.Random1))

  • 'Round': Returns the larger/smaller of two specified values.

Example: Round(VAL(SIM.Ramp1),2)

  • 'Ceiling': Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number.

Example: Ceiling(VAL(SIM.Ramp1))

  • 'Floor': Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number.

Example: Floor(VAL(SIM.Ramp1))

  • 'Abs':Returns the absolute value of a specified value..

Example: Abs(VAL(SIM.Ramp1))

  • Special keywords:
    • $TIME: Gets the current time
    • $DATE: Gets the current date
    • $CURRENT_WIN: Gets the current opened graphical window's name
    • $CURRENT_USER: Gets the current logged user's name
    • $CURRENT_ACCESSLEVEL: Gets the current logged user's access level

  • Special functions:
    • VAL_AND_UNIT(arg1, arg2, arg3)

arg1: Tag name

arg2: Number format (See examples below)

arg3: Unit (This can be any string).

Example: VAL_AND_UNIT(VAL(LINE1.FT101),'0.0','m3')

  • Text formatting examples:

  • You can use "Formula Tester" to test your formulas as below:

In the below example, the syntax is wrong (because 'and' is in capital letters):