Stream SCADA can be an IEC60870-5-101 Master to any compliant device(slave RTU).

Data Source Configuration

From Stream Explorer, select Data Sources and click on the Add button.

  • Multiple data sources can be on the same link, this represents the serial loop with multiple slave RTUs. Each RTU has its unique link address.
  • Name: Unique name for the data source.
  • Description: Optional information about the data source.
  • Protocol: Selecting IEC 60870-5-101 means that Stream SCADA is a Master that will establish serial communications with RTUs (slaves).
  • Link Address: Data Link Address of the RTU.
  • CoT Size : Cause of Transmission Size, default is 2.
  • IoA Size: Information object address size.

Serial Link Settings:

Serial link settings are used to identify the serial loop settings. A serial port must be presented by only one serial link, then all slaves connected on the serial loop will be represented by data sources related to that serial link.

  1. Basic

Name: enter a suitable name for the serial link that represents the physical serial loop.

Active: If False, the serial Link won’t start.

  1. Interrogation Settings

Interrogation groups are use to separate the RTU points based on their usage, so each group can have a different interrogation interval.

generalInterrogationInterval: in Sec if 0 , General Interrogation will not send in particular interval, else in particular seconds GI will send to server(RTU).

group1InterrogationInterval: in sec if 0 , group 1 interrogation will not send in particular interval, else in particular seconds group 1 interrogation will send

to server.



group16InterrogationInterval: in sec if 0 , group 16 interrogation will not send in particular interval, else in particular seconds group 1 interrogation will

send to server.

  1. Misc

getTimestampFromLocalServer: Boolean flag to overwrite RTU timestamp by stream server local timestamp.

  1. Serial Comm Settings

serialPort: The serial port number.

baudRate: The serial communication baud rate of the RTU.

wordLength: number of bits in one byte (7 or 8).

Parity: The serial communication parity of the RTU(Even, Odd, None).

stopBits: The serial communication number of stop bits of the RTU(1,2).

rtsControl, ctsControl, dtsOutputFlow, dsrOutputFlow: Based on RTU serial settings.

  1. Settings

transmitPreDelay: Transmit Delay before send.

transmitPostDelay: Delay after send.

transmitInterCharacterDelay: Delay between characters during send.

transmitCharacterTimeout: Timeout if the character is not being sent.

transmitCharacterRetries: Number of retries to send.

transmitMessageTimeout: Message Timeout if entire message is not sent.

transmitMessageRetriesTransmit: Message Retries to retry the entire message.

linkLayerTimeout: Link Layer timeout in milliseconds.

pollInterval: poll interval in milliseconds.

commandTimeout: Command Timeout (command ack timeout) in milliseconds.

commandResponseActTermUsed: if server Generate ACTTERM in command respond.

clockSynchronizationPeriod: in sec if 0 , clock synchronization will not send in particular interval, else in particular seconds clock synchronization will

send to server.

retryToLoadConfigurationDataDelay: Time delay in milliseconds after which the client/master will reload its configurations.

autoGenerateTags: pending.

viewTraffic: if true, detailed communication Tx,Rx packets are shown in stream server console mode. It’s mainly used for troubleshooting.

updateTagIfTimestampChange: update tags if new timestamp is received from RTU, not only value change.

balancedTransmission: if true, transmission mode is balanced(one to one communication), else it’s unbalanced(multidrop).

Note: You need to install VC++ Redistributable (x86). You'll find it in installation CD (vcredist_x86.exe).