Calculation Syntax (String)
Calculation Tag Syntax (Also the same Syntax used in graphics animations).
String Manipulation Functions and Examples
- 'ToNumber': Converts a string to a number. If conversion fails, the function returns a specified default value if provided; otherwise, it defaults to 0.
Optional Parameter:
defaultValue: A fallback value to return if the input cannot be converted to a number. If omitted, the default is 0.
ToNumber('123.45') → 123.45
Converts the string '123.45' to a number.
ToNumber('abc') → 0
Returns 0 because the string 'abc' cannot be converted to a number, and no default is provided.
ToNumber('abc', 42) → 42
Returns the default value 42 when the string 'abc' cannot be converted.
ToNumber('', 10) → 10
Returns the default value 10 because the input is an empty string.
ToNumber('abc', 'xyz') → 0
Returns 0 because both the input and the default value are invalid.
ToNumber(VAL(SIM.Ramp1)) → Converts the value of SIM.Ramp1 to a number.
ToNumber(VAL(SIM.Text1), 5) → Returns 5 if SIM.Text1 cannot be converted to a number.
ToNumber(VAL(SIM.Random1)) → Converts the value of SIM.Random1 to a number, defaulting to 0 if conversion fails.
ToNumber(Status(SIM.Data1), 100) → Converts the status of SIM.Data1 to a number, using 100 as the fallback.
- 'ToString': Converts any input to a string. If the input is null or invalid, the function returns a specified default value if provided; otherwise, it defaults to an empty string ("").
Optional Parameter:
defaultValue: A fallback value to return if the input is null or invalid. If omitted, the default is an empty string ("").
ToString(123.45) → "123.45"
Converts the number 123.45 to a string.
ToString('') → ""
Returns an empty string because the input is null and no default is provided.
ToString(VAL(SIM.Ramp1)) → Converts the value of SIM.Ramp1 to a string.
ToString(VAL(SIM.Text1), 'N/A') → Returns 'N/A' if SIM.Text1 is null.
ToString(Status(SIM.Data1)) → Converts the status of SIM.Data1 to its string representation.
ToString(VAL(SIM.Random1), 'Error') → Converts the value of SIM.Random1 to a string, defaulting to 'Error' if the input is invalid.
- 'Concat': Concatenates multiple strings into one.
Example: Concat('Hello', ' ', 'World') → 'Hello World'
- 'Length': Returns the length of a specified string.
Example: Length('Hello') → 5
- 'Trim': Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a specified string.
Example: Trim(' Hello ') → 'Hello'
- 'ToUpper': Converts all characters in a string to uppercase.
Example: ToUpper('hello') → 'HELLO'
- 'ToLower': Converts all characters in a string to lowercase.
Example: ToLower('HELLO') → 'hello'
- 'Substring': Extracts a substring from a specified string starting at a given index and optionally for a specified length.
Example: Substring('Hello World', 0, 5) → 'Hello'
- 'IndexOf': Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a substring within a string.
Example: IndexOf('Hello World', 'World') → 6
- 'Contains': Checks if a string contains a specified substring.
Example: Contains('Hello World', 'World') → 1
- 'StartsWith': Determines if a string starts with a specified substring.
Example: StartsWith('Hello World', 'Hello') → 1
- 'EndsWith': Determines if a string ends with a specified substring.
Example: EndsWith('Hello World', 'World') → 1
- 'Replace': Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring in a specified string.
Example: Replace('Hello World', 'World', 'Universe') → 'Hello Universe'
- 'PadLeft': Pads the left side of a string with a specified character until it reaches the desired total width.
Example: PadLeft('5', 3, '0') → '005'
- 'PadRight': Pads the right side of a string with a specified character until it reaches the desired total width.
Example: PadRight('5', 3, '0') → '500'
- 'IsNullOrEmpty': Checks if a string is null or empty.
Example: IsNullOrEmpty('') → 1
- 'RegexMatch': Checks if a string matches a specified regular expression pattern.
Example: RegexMatch('abc123', '\\d+') → 1